Online Course General English Level A1

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Who is this level useful for?
This level is the first step for any person who is interested in learning the English language. It is
especially useful for students who have never had any sort of experience in studying the
language or those who have a very basic knowledge and understanding of the language.           
At the end of level A1 a student will definitely feel more confident and assured about his/her
abilities in English and more encouraged to continue advancing.
What is level A1?
The English level A1 is the first level of English in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages (CEFR ).In everyday speech this level would be called “Beginner”.
Content of this course:
The course focuses on functional language use. The course focuses on each of the English
language skills:
• reading
• writing
• listening
• speaking
How many hours is the level A1?
This level is about 60 hours.
Placement Test
To do the placement test, please click here complete the form.
What A1 students can do?

At the end of level A1 a language learner is able to understand and use very basic expressions
to satisfy concrete everyday needs in clear, slow, and repeated speech.
This level corresponds to basic users of the language, i.e. those able to communicate in
everyday situations with commonly used expressions and elementary vocabulary.
A1 students are able to write simple and isolated phrases and sentences and can write a short
simple postcard, short letters and messages with the help of a dictionary.
A person who can prove they have a level A1in English:
1. Can understand and use very frequently used everyday expressions as well as simple
phrases to meet immediate needs.
2. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal
details such as where he/she lives, things he/she has and people he/ she knows.
3. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is
prepared to cooperate.
  Study targets for the key components of
English level A1
1. Exchanging greetings
2. Giving personal information
3. Using numbers, days, month, years
4. Asking for an telling the time
5. Describing people
6. Giving information about objects
7. Describing places
8. Expressing likes and dislikes
9. Describing simple action
English vocabulary A1
1. Days of the week and months
2. Numbers and prices
3. Countries and nationalities
4. Colours

5. Personal possessions
6. Parts of the body
7. Family and friends
8. Food and drinks
9. Household rooms and objects
10. Clothes
English grammar A1
1. Question words
2. Possessive adjective and pronouns
3. Present simple
4. There is/there are
5. Imperatives
6. Present continuous (now or in progress)
7. Prepositions of place
8. Simple adjectives
9. Comparative and superlative


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